
At DVT, we run regular online events focused on the latest technology trends within the IT industry and invite guest speakers to share their knowledge and insights on various topics. The DVT Insights Events aim to enlighten you, educate you and often, provide a new view on a burning issue within the technology space.

Six principles of change management

Published in Delivery Management
Monday, 31 October 2022 11:48
I have been deeply inspired by the work of Dr David Drake, a global thought leader in transformation. In his scholarly text on narrative coaching, he provides us with his six principles to guide practitioners. As a change manager of over ten years, I have a passion for exploring how we put theories into practice in sensible ways to make a real impact. I understand that nothing about change management is one dimensional.

How to strike a balance in Agile Software Development

Published in Agile
Wednesday, 04 May 2016 12:32
Agile Software Balance using trophic cascade analogy: Learn how to strike the perfect balance in Agile Software Development with our expert insights.

Getting to grips with the Agile mindset

Published in Agile
Monday, 29 February 2016 04:53

Why change management is critical to Agile success

Published in Agile
Monday, 10 November 2014 16:16