
At DVT, we run regular online events focused on the latest technology trends within the IT industry and invite guest speakers to share their knowledge and insights on various topics. The DVT Insights Events aim to enlighten you, educate you and often, provide a new view on a burning issue within the technology space.

What does a Scrum Master Do?

Published in Agile
Freitag, 01 April 2022 09:09
The scrum master role is to ensure the team lives agile values and principles and follows the practices that the team agreed they would use.

The power of product and software development

Published in Software Development
Montag, 16 August 2021 13:18
Read our recent article about Software Product Development to learn what it is, why you should use it, and how it affects the customer experience.

Scrum Masters versus Batman: The Agile Superheros

Published in Agile
Donnerstag, 02 August 2018 11:50

Agile training and scrum master services in the healthcare industry

Published in Agile
Donnerstag, 23 November 2017 07:02
Our client is a leading medical scheme administrator in South Africa, providing administration and managed care services to over 3 million beneficiaries. Its wellness programme encourages, facilitates and rewards you by giving you the tools and savings to help you earn points and get healthy.
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